orsmnet terms of service


- Orsm.net is an adult and parody site. It may contain nudity and offensive concepts not suitable for minors.

- We are not affiliated in any way with the products or services that may be parodied.

- This site contains nudity and adult concepts intended for solely for adults 18 or 21 years of age or older. If you are not of legal age, or if adult material offends, please exit immediately.

- You must be viewing this site in a state, city, town, province or country where adult material is legal.

- You may not permit any minor to view this website or material contained within it.

- All material displayed on this site is for entertainment purposes only. If you feel you are the owner of any material on this site, or material has been displayed without your permission, please contact us.

- Any and all contents of Orsm.net are solely for the use of the website owner. Usage is at your own risk.

- You may not hold Orsm.net or any of the sites within its network and/or any of its employees, to any claims, liability, losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from use of this service.

- We take no responsibility for any of the sites that may be linked from within these pages.

- And finally, if you work for, represent, are a share holder of, or have any sort of interest in MasterCard International in any way then you aren't welcome here and must fuck off immediately.


- Orsm.net is not actively collecting information on it's visitors. Cookies are used by advertisement software [Adcycle] to keep track of how many times ads are shown. Cookies are also be used in the Orsm.net Forums to remember visitor settings.

- The site server records IP addresses for security purposes only.

- Website hits and referring pages are monitored for historical and statistical purposes.


- All communication sent to the Orsm.net website including email, chat, message board postings, snail mail or by any other means becomes our property. It may be reproduced or displayed on the website.

- If you do not wish your email address, name, the contents of your email or any other details to be displayed then please inform us in your email.


- The Orsm.net mailing list is completely opt-in and never sent unsolicited. We don't farm for email addresses nor do we purchase lists and include them in the mail outs.

- We have a strict no spam policy. You will not be bombarded with advertisements. You will get only what we have said you will get.

- The Orsm.net Porn-chive mailing list will never be sold to marketing companies or spammers. It is solely for the use of this site.

- We have taken precautions to ensure our member list remains private however this obviously can not not be guaranteed.


- The Orsm.net forums are a public forum. Whilst we make every effort to ensure illegal material is not posted, this is not always possible. We take no responsibility for the actions of people using them.

- Usage of the forums is at your own risk.